Location Darakhshan Campus

Thursday 19 March 2020

Letter to Parents

Dear Parents,
We understand that these are difficult times for us all and considering the CORONA virus alert, we stand committed to facilitate your child’s and our students’ learning.  We are in contact with the regulatory authorities and will keep you posted regarding the revised academic schedules and examinations.
The City School has taken certain measures to create online platforms for students’ learning and academics.
Here is the online solution offered for your children:
1.      Students of PG to Class 2 – (Facebook Page and WordPress Blog)
As practiced in the past, all worksheets and other curriculum related content will be uploaded on the school’s official Facebook page, WordPress blog and any other platform.
You have to download the content from these platforms and give it to your children for effective engagement as well as reinforcement of the taught concepts.
Your branch will continue to notify you via SMS or emails as the new content is uploaded on any of the platforms mentioned above.

2.      Students of Class 3 onwards - Use of Google Classroom platform for content sharing (classroom.google.com):
Google classroom will be used by the schools to share the curriculum related content, worksheets and quizzes with students. You and your children can access the Google classroom application from a laptop, tablet and even through the mobile phone using Google classroom App. However, in order to receive the content uploading and other notifications you have to communicate your child’s email address to the branch by 20th March 2020.
You are requested to kindly create your child’s email (in case of more than one child, you are required to create separate accounts for each) account as follows:
1.      Create an email accounts of your children on www.gmail.com as per the following guideline and share them with your school at the earliest.
                                                    i.     Create Account:  TCS{Your Child Registration/ERP Number}@gmail.com       Example:  TCS86543@gmail.com where 86543  is the child’s registration number.
                                                   ii.     User Name = First Name + Last Name  as it appears on your child’s “Fee Challan”
The google classroom link (URL) for the relevant classes will be shared on the email address provided by you and via SMS/WhatsApp. Teachers may also take quizzes while student can upload their homework and tasks on it as well.
Access the following URL to view/download the Google Classroom video tutorial https://youtu.be/M6L-nZGIUTE for you and your children’s understanding.
You will start receiving the content uploading notifications from your schools on 24th March 2020.
These are difficult times and we are taking all possible steps to ensure that academic process continues without any disruption. You support is very important for effective implementation of this initiative.
We extend our prayers and best wishes for the wellbeing of our students, parents and TCS community.
Looking forward to your usual cooperation.
HM Prep Boys.